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our doctors are in a cult called, “The Cult of Asclepius” a serpent cult “Medical science is making such remarkable progress that soon none of us will be well.” — ALDOUS HUXLEY Reply
you gotta cremate the head vampire’s corpse…so i can’t be cloned/resurrected to be free of the vampire’s curse Reply
does it look like jim pattison is helping the children? or harming them is he keeping the hippocratic oath? Reply
johhnny depp cancer ward from hell: all the patients part of their sloan kettering cult heavy stockholm syndrome Reply
our doctors are in a cult called, “The Cult of Asclepius”
a serpent cult
“Medical science is making such remarkable progress that soon none of us will be well.”
you gotta cremate the head vampire’s corpse…so i can’t be cloned/resurrected
to be free of the vampire’s curse
does it look like jim pattison is helping the children?
or harming them
is he keeping the hippocratic oath?
johhnny depp cancer ward from hell:
all the patients part of their sloan kettering cult
heavy stockholm syndrome